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Countdown to Vaisakhi 2023: Jasleen Kaur

Day 10


“Vaisakhi historically is a time of harvest and transformation, and it’s a time of breaking certain bonds, breaking certain ideas that have kept us down in some way, understanding that we’re part of a larger community with a larger role in the world..."

Jasleen Kaur serves as a Research Associate at SikhRI and one of the commentators and transcreators of The Guru Granth Sahib Project. She is passionate about projects that create comfortable spaces for community members of all ages and backgrounds to engage in dialogue and learn from one another.

“Vaisakhi historically is a time of harvest and transformation, and it’s a time of breaking certain bonds, breaking certain ideas that have kept us down in some way, understanding that we’re part of a larger community with a larger role in the world—understanding the Guru’s revolution as a gift. That’s all part of Vaisakhi,” she reflects.

From now until Vaisakhi, the SikhRI team will reflect and share their perspective of Vaisakhi. Featuring speakers unique in their backgrounds, countries, and experiences, we hope the “Countdown to Vaisakhi” video series will ignite a spark in you to reflect on your personal connection to Vaisakhi.

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In This Video

Jasleen Kaur

Research Associate

Jasleen Kaur is a Research Associate at the Sikh Research Institute. She has received a Religious Studies B.A./M.A. from the University of Virginia, focusing on South Asian Religions through the lens of literature and poetry.

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